Sunday, 6 February 2011

Profiling audience

Profiling audience
To develop my music magazine, I will be using the secondary resources, e.g. Internet to research an existing music magazine. This would allow me to know how to include different features that will translate to a particular audience.  For my comparison, I will use the Vibe website to evaluate their demographic audience and identify certain futures that would appeal to my audience.  Doing this particular research will enable me to have the guidance to produce a professional magazine.
The website reinforces their music genre by including ‘redefining hip hop’ as part of the masthead, the text is coloured in black which makes a clear statement to the readers the website is creating a new change on the stereotypical views that hip hop only appeals to certain ethic groups. However the magazine tries to include other nationality like British- white, by adding attractive images of white musician and celebrity on the blog layout. Example, ‘Justin Timberlake’s 15 sexiest photos’. Doing this shows that it is not racist or prejudges against other races. To make my magazine controversy, I will intend to use a short and catchy masthead to be suitable for any nationality. …… I would consider
Although the website tries to target both gender, the vibe mostly have masculine colour (blue) to shows the inequality between men and women. E.g. the website include a column for females, the vibe website is link with social network, facebook as it regularly update scandal new stories/career update of music celebrities this design layout clearly shows that the website is target at the young audience, aged between 18 and 25. Even though the website includes adult issue, Vibe tries appeal to teen audience by featuring music video   and celebrity blogs. Also this can be main advantage for Vibe to add certain celebrities on their page.  I may intend to use this streagy because Vibe has similar feature that I will intend to use for my music magazine..          
However the vibe website promote the positive view on male celebrity than females. The main page has a photo column that contains serive, nude photography of female celebrities.  The website uses this particular feature portray……………by showing sexy, proactive images. Example,The photo galleries mostly have nude images of alluring black celebrities wearing ‘ bikini clad’. The tile, ‘the biggest celebrity boobs’ would capture the interest of young males. Vibe use these images to entertain other audience group, like elderly and the website lowers black females status and effect their career. The website exploit the female respenta tion…..  Also Vibe reveals exposure video of celebrity’s personal lifestyle that targets male audience and also this would  females as they gossip about iconic celebrity.
However.. the Vixen web page  has male photo of sexy, good looking male celebrity to meet the females needs but  …….

On other hand Vibe tries to relate the female audience, so the website include web section called ‘Vixen’ which contains feminine features. Eg, fashion promotion.  This is total diveresty to the oringal page, as Vibe uses particular features to show the separation both gender and also allows other sexuality, eg, gay to be introduce in the web page. For example; the web page has purple colour scheme that match the sub-heading, Vixen.
Fashion promotion, h&m – uses high street shop to promote their colothing, like to the audience – fiancal afftord,link to special occanison like valtaine day, comestic- promote celebrity’s business such perfume brands make the young audience updated of the latest product
Hair/fashion style- the web page feature popular and ionic celebrities to attract the female audience. Main ways is hairstyle, as celebrity is titled as exclusive person so there have change their style to not be a target and also be the public eye.  Eg. the web page  shows Rhianna hair styles  on the attomica style shows, titled ‘lady in red’. It’s a photo gallery  of ranges of hairstyle she worn on the colour red. Rhainna is a fashion inonc as she bring raw, unique fashion style to the media and audience.  The Vibe uses this feature and link to other similar stories but this when the person select the headline……..  I may plan to take images of models wearing fashionable and affordable but on the demographic of the audience and shows range of style that looks original and unique. Also to help with planning , I may use theme to link with others images and headline.  
Social updates- Vixen has regularly update of celebrity social life to keep in link with their fans. Vibe website is on music indensitry so  feature well known celebrity ………. , like Nikici Minaji, she is popuylar rapper to the young people and also promote and introduces new upcoming music artist… I help intend to issues recent news stories to keep my audience connote with their farvouite celebrity and society. 
Keep on link- the vibe website tries to conntect with the audience so it have serveal headline of subribrisng to the vibe magazine. This is a way to…..  and also the main web page it has video which is an in-sight of the next magazine issue and also shows exclusive viewing……  I may….